


More and Better accetta con lusinga l’invito da parte dell’atleta Jessica Macaulay a presentare il proprio DIVING PROJECT presso l’Università A&M in Texas, dove lei e una squadra internazionale di tuffatori si preparano alle prossime Olimpiadi Tokyo 2020, allenati dai rinomati coach Wendy e Jay Lerew.

Nel Novembre 2019, accolto in un clima di amicizia, è stato un piacere lavorare 3 settimane al fianco di atleti e coach riconosciuti a livello mondiale.
Ad ogni allenamento ciascun atleta aveva un momento dedicato alla pratica stretching introdotta nel DIVING PROJECT.

I risultati sono stato osservati e apprezzati da subito.
A malincuore ci siamo salutati con la promessa di rivederci presto.
Ringrazio coach e atleti per avermi accolto e fatto sentire parte del team.

Lettera dalla coach Wendy Lerew



Big thanks and best luck to these amazing athletes

AtletaJessica Macaulay


I have worked with marco many times over the past few years. He has helped me make adjustment in my training to feel well prepared for competitions.
I always feel more mobile and confident after treatment.
I have a lot of trust in Marco, because he is well educated and has his clients best interests in mind.


AtletaTyler Henshel


My time with Marco when he came to visit late last year in 2019, at Texas A&M University, was a remarkably experience. During that timeframe I was gearing up for my Nationals to qualify for World Cup, in Japan. When I begun working with Marco, my shoulder flexibility was limited due to a recent shoulder surgery. With 4 weeks of work on my shoulder we had managed to increase the flexibility by a substantial amount. I was so happy about this because by the time I had gone to Nationals, my shoulder was in the best shape in years. I came out of Nationals with a new Personal Best and secured my roster spot for World Cup


AtletaAlais Kalonji


During his interventtion at texas A&M University, Marco changed my approach to stretching at a time where i was in training for the tokyo 2020 olympics
As a 10m platform diver, i struggled with shoulder tendinitis and marco showed me different self-care and self-maintenance execices that helped me regain great mobility and flexability in my shoulders.


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